

Do you have giclee prints ?

Yes, I offer high-quality giclée prints of selected artworks. Giclée prints are made using archival inks and premium paper or canvas, ensuring exceptional color accuracy and longevity.

Do you sell original paintings?

Yes, we offer original paintings by SusanJane for sale. Each original artwork is a one-of-a-kind creation, handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail. Owning an original painting allows you to own a piece of the artist's vision and craftsmanship, imbued with the unique energy and emotion of the creative process. Please check our gallery section to explore available original paintings.

What mediums do you primarily work with, and why?

SusanJane primarily works with watercolor on canvas, although she occasionally uses other substrates as well. Watercolor on canvas offers a unique blend of fluidity and texture, allowing her to create captivating compositions. She appreciates the way watercolor pigments interact with the canvas surface, bringing her subjects to life with vibrant hues and delicate washes.